My Last Chance


Jim Price:  violin
Dave Peterson:  guitar
Marc Anderson:  percussion
Tim Weinhold:  percussion
Steve Tibbetts:  guitar
Randal Brown   percussion

Jim Price asked me to write and perform a song for “Night-times Variety,” a show on the local PBS affiliate.  Jim and Dave have always been heroes of mine.  So far, so good.

Someone had the idea to hit a gong and lower it into a tub of water to finish the tune.  Lowering a gong into water lowers the pitch about a whole step.  Very cool.

Except we didn’t have a clear container for the water, so it looks like Randy is just lowering a gong into a trash basket.  The audience applauds, but looks puzzled.  (“Why are they lowering a gong into a plastic trash can?”)

Please note that both Dave and I used to part our hair in the middle.