Posts Tagged ‘ambient’
Hellbound Train: An Anthology
“Tibbetts has been an ECM artist [since 1982], pursuing a movable crossroads of modal psychedelia, dreamscape electronics and ceremonial rhythms across the eight albums anthologised in this set. If you are new to Tibbetts, Hellbound Train is an exciting introduction – with an epic journey on the other side of the door.” -David Fricke, MOJO
Read MoreThings I Did (Press resources for “Life Of.”)
Press page with rough bio is here Things I Did 2009-16 1. Sent Messages With Foxes 2013 2. Curated a Playlist for ECM 2017 3. Had Brain Scanned for Science 2012 4. Gave a Transplant …
Read MoreLife of–WeGotMusic, Germany · 9/18
“Es ist schon ein erhabenes Gefühl in die Unendlichkeit des Tibbett’schen Klangkosmos einzudringen. In dieser Musik findet sich so viel, man sollte sie mehrfach hören, um die Stimmungen auf sich wirken zu lassen.”
Read MoreLife Of–Downbeat
“It might be less than an hour long, but Life Of will provide years of deep and rewarding listening.”
Read MoreLife Of–Washington Post, May 2018
“one of the most underappreciated musicians of our time”
Read MoreLife Of
“The effect is a seductive impressionism of fluid melodic figures and rippling arpeggios with a quietly firm, emotional undertow.” -Rolling Stone
Read MoreLife Of–Press page
Some Biographical Material Big Influences Dave Ray was a big influence, not so much because of his legendary guitar chops or his storied career in music, but because he kept the rent on my studio low. Dave Ray was my landlord. He died in 2002. A street close to my studio has been renamed Dave…
Read MoreOrganized Some Trips to Tibet
In 2009 a group of us met in Shanghai and took a train to Lhasa. In western Tibet we traveled to Guge, circumambulated Kailash, and walked to Everest Base Camp (the actual Everest Base Camp where expeditions start from is called “ABC”–“Advance Base Camp.) In 2011 some of us re-convened and explored the retreat caves and…
Read MoreHanding out Diplomas in Nepal
Family email from India and Nepal, 2010 It’s time to wind this little story up. I moved from the Döndrub hotel up to my friends’ place on Mahankal road. Sukhi and Peter live in Germany for most of the year and kindly offered me the use of their flat. Marc and I stayed there…
Read MoreBrain Scan
My brain (Here’s the family email I sent after having my head examined.) Hi everyone: I’m in Madison for the brain scan. On the way into town I stopped to get some groceries. The woman taking my credit-card looked at it and said, slowly, “Steve Tibbetts. From Memorial High?” I said, “Yes! Who are you?”…
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